Sunday 11th December
Cumnor Primary School Hall
£10 per child
Suitable for all ages (not just pre-schoolers!)
Please use the form below to tell us about your child so that Father Christmas knows who is coming to see him! If you have more than 1 child who is coming to see Father Christmas, please complete one form per child.
Although you book each child separately, family groups can all see Santa together!
Sadly our website’s technical skills don’t quite stretch to online payment (!), so please can you pay via BACS using our details below. Each child costs £10. Smaller children accompanying you who will not require a gift are free - although they can still join in seeing Santa of course! You can pay for multiple children in one payment.
£10 per child to -
Cumnor Pre-School
Account No.: 80309303
Sort Code: 20-65-18
Reference: Santa
When we receive your payment, we’ll email you to confirm your booking. Please give us 2 working days to get back to you.