
Please put your child's name on the waiting list as soon as you are able as this will help our admissions team to plan ahead. All applications must be sent with a refundable deposit of £30.00. This deposit will be returned during the first school term that the child attends Pre-school via BACS payment. If the Pre-School is unable to offer your child a place as requested on the application form the deposit will be refunded in full. If, after accepting a place for your child, you leave and do not not complete the first school term the deposit will be used to help cover wage costs This application, accompanied by the deposit of £30.00, places your child on our waiting list. We have 3 intakes per year: September, January and April. We will contact you 4-6 weeks before the start of the term.

Download an Admission Form in Word or PDF or call the Pre-School to have one sent to you.

Children can start the term after after their second birthday.

You will be contacted during the term before your child starts Pre-school to discuss the days that your child will attend and to arrange for you both to visit us. Most children begin by attending two sessions per week - this can be increased as the child gets older if spaces are available.